Friday, May 6, 2011

First Batch of Reviews/Recommendations

Alright, since this is the first one there is a huge backlog, so I will try to be brief with each description. Most of this stuff is vinyl, but you can of course buy the cd or download.
Let's start with the harder stuff-

OFF! - If you haven't heard yet, Keith Morris(Black Flag, Circle Jerks) has a new band and they are the new old saviors of punk rock. Punchy, angry blasts that practically throw you in the slam(mosh for you kids) pit. If Black Flag continued with Keith, this is what I would expect would have been recorded. Grand riffs from Dimitri Coats(Burning Brides), solid bass from Steven McDonald(Redd Kross), and drums by Mario Rubalcalba(RFTC, Hot Snakes) all add up to punk perfection. ANYONE into classic punk rock MUST get this! Yeah YOU! VIDEO.

DEEP SLEEP- Hardcore punk out of Richmond, Virginia. Fans of early Black Flag and the Descendents would probably dig this band. Their newest lp is "Turn Me Off" on Grave Mistake Records . It comes in all formats, but my advice would be to get the limited to 300 on white vinyl version(or black if sold out). Like many vinyl releases these days, it comes with a download code, so even if you don't have a turntable you would still get the music to put on your mp3 player/burn to cdr and you can sell the lp to some kid on ebay for mucho money later. Unless you really need to have a plastic cd cover this is the smart way to go for anything released on vinyl with a download code- you won't get much of anything in the future if you try to sell a used cd.
This sample is from their "Paranoid Futures" 45. You can also find a collection all their 45's on cd.

Black God- first 7 incher from this Louisville band. Good stuff sure to be fervently followed by all the kids. Listen here.You can get directly from No Idea Records or in a vinyl/shirt combo from

The theme of the punk section seems to be hardcore for this post, so I will also share another band that all the hardcore kids seems to worship, Touche Amore. They seem like a fun band to see live. I guess if you don't like screamed vocals, this wouldn't be for you. I don't always appreciate this style, but it works for me here. Their new album is going to be released soon on Deathwish Records.

Now, on to completely DIFFERENT music...

Explosions in the Sky - They have released a new album on Temporary Residence called, "take care, take care, take care". The lp package is an insane multi-piece foldout work of art and actually turns into a house. If you are not familiar with this all instrumental band, their name pretty much sums it up, all the mystery and calm of a nighttime sky lit up with soaring bursts of sparkling light. Here's a track off of their new album. This track called, "Greet Death" is off of their second album called, "Those Who Tell The Truth Shall Die, Those Who Tell The Truth Shall Live Forever".

Jail Weddings - I would describe them as a mix of the B-52's, Roy Orbison, Nick Cave, the Arcade Fire(mostly because there are a lot of members), with the drama of a Meatloaf album, all produced by Phil Spector via a time machine to the early 60's. Watch a video and another glimpse. It truthfully took me a little while to decide if I liked them. Now I am sold! They are also a treat to see live.

Mansions - I haven't received my vinyl copies yet, but have been listening to the instant download. Very chill, reminiscent of Bright Eyes with a tiny bit less preciousness, a touch of The Jealous Sound, and maybe a little Bon Iver. The more I listen to them the more I am liking it a lot. Check it.
Pressing Info:
pink – 50
white – 120
red – 150
red/white swirl – 170

Alright, I have been taking too long writing this stuff. I need to go drink a beer. I am done for today.